Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Arriving in Beira

 We finally arrived at the Beira International Airport at 11:00 am on Wed Oct 2.  We traveled with President and Sister (who is taking the picture) Kretly and the Area Mental Health Advisor (AMHA) Dr. Edward and Sister Nancy van Gass.  We had to walk a long ways on the tarmac to get into the building.  Elder Snelson told us that the plane (One flight am and one pm) either comes on time or not, and elders and packages are either one the plane or not.  Never know until we drive to the airport and see what's up!
 We are on the 3rd floor on the right ( 2nd andar e direito).  The doors are not numbered and we only knew which one because our parking spot is labeled that way.  The Snelson are directly below us in a similar apartment and the Kretly's have one  a little different style across the hall from us.
Left: Pres. Paulo and Sis. Adrianna Kretly,                       Right:  Elder Brian and Sis Kim Snelson

This apartment is brand new with all the construction dust and everything.  We are very thankful because we have seen some of the other places that couples were living and I am very happy to be here.  We have a gate and a guard and we can hire them to help us carry thing up to our abode.
 This is what we see out of our South facing windows.  Nice looking apartment building, Tempting pool!
 Looking between these two apartments we can see the Indian Ocean.  It is a block south.  In the mornings we can see all the little boats out catching shrimp and sardines.
I am saved!!!  Sister Snelson had this huge basket on the table with two loaves of bread and
 peanut butter!  It is from South Africa and is REAL peanut butter and tastes wonderful. Life is GOOD!

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